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Island flow offers a yoga & mindfullness space where Marta accompanies you to a state of awareness and balance between body, mind and soul through different styles of yoga and holistic practices.

Would you like to attend yoga classes or would you prefer private classes adapted to you, your style and level? Are you a group and would like to do a tantra workshop, shakti movement or a cacao ceremony?


Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a dynamic, active and creative practice made up of sequences of flowing postures adapted to the rhythms and energy of each person and group.

In each Vinyasa Flow practice we work on strength, flexibility, stability, balance and openness of the body. In each posture I propose options for you to feel safe and confident in every moment of your practice.


The practice of yin yoga invites us to stop and be present. Static, feminine and deep, the practice takes place in a meditative environment, with guided passive floor postures held between two and five minutes, which allows us to reach the deepest layers of our body thanks to the passive activation of cognitive tissues.


Shakti Yoga Dance is the “Yoga of Dance”, a yogic and liberating path with a tantric basis. It is a discipline that combines the flowing practice of yoga asanas together with dance. Its purpose is to liberate, heal and transform. It consists in elevating and expanding the consciousness through the mindful practice of yoga asanas while moving and dancing. It is a journey through different dances such as African, Tribal, Latin, Spanish, Oriental and Indian that liberate and empower the person who practices it, leading them to connect with the sacred feminine, the Shakti, the creative power, the feminine essence.

Shakti Yoga practices are held in a group format as a workshop or ceremony.


Tantra is a spiritual path that brings us closer to our true Self, opening us to vulnerability, allowing us to surrender in love and embracing life with confidence so that we can discover our inner power. It is a new vision of ourselves, our relationships with others and with nature. A total understanding and presence of what the here and now entails – Tantra is a journey into the heart and the encounter with your authentic essence, your being.

As a tantra facilitator I accompany each person or group giving the space and tools to empower oneself through unconditional acceptance, ancient wisdom and non-judgmental gazing.


As a tantra facilitator I create women’s circles in which I offer a safe and loving space where every woman feels free to be, share and express herself without judgement.

During the women’s circles we do talks, meditations, visualisations, ceremonies, rituals, dances, chants and practices of Tantra and Shakti Yoga Dance. We share knowledge of ancient feminine wisdom and celebrate sisterhood.

The circles invite us to open up, to show ourselves vulnerable, to look into each other’s eyes with compassion and love and to free ourselves from our burdens, as well as to celebrate and vibrate in love.


A shamanic ritual, it is a profound spiritual journey that transcends time and space. Cacao, considered a sacred plant, has always been used as a vehicle to get in touch with the sacred, with divinity and with the deepest part of oneself, the heart.

Cacao ceremonies are held in group and last about 90 minutes to 2 hours.

The path of consciousness leads us to the place where our great teacher, oneself, lives.

Do you want to book a private class, a yoga event, a group or a retreat?

Click Contact me and let’s organise
