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Vinyasa Flow Yoga is a dynamic, active and creative practice made up of sequences of flowing postures adapted to the rhythms and energy of each person and group.

In each Vinyasa Flow practice we work on strength, flexibility, stability, balance and opening of the body. In each posture I propose options so that you feel secure and confident in every moment of your practice.

The structure of the practice is complemented by meditation, conscious breathing work or pranayama, active physical practice and final relaxation or savasana.

The aim of Vinyasa flow yoga practice is to achieve a state of positive transformation through the balancing of the 5 bodies: physical, mental, emotional, energetic and spiritual.

My essence as an instructor is to allow each yogi to flow in the practice, feeling free to go where their body and knowledge leads them, respecting the rhythms and limitations that may appear and working on them in order to deepen our inner journey.

