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Tantra is a spiritual path that is over 4,000 years old. It is a practice that brings us closer to our true selves, opening us to vulnerability, surrendering in love and surrendering to life with confidence in order to discover our inner power. It is a new vision of ourselves, our relationships with others and with nature. A total understanding and presence of what the here and now entails.

Tantra is a journey inwards, into the heart and the encounter with your authentic essence, your being.

As a tantra facilitator I accompany each person or group giving the space and tools to empower oneself through ancient wisdom and non-judgmental gazing.


As a tantra facilitator for women I create women’s circles in which I offer a safe and loving space where every woman feels free to be, share and express herself without judgement.

During the women’s circles we do talks, meditations, visualisations, ceremonies, rituals, dances, chants and practices of Tantra and Shakti Yoga Dance. We share knowledge of ancient feminine wisdom and celebrate sisterhood.

The circles invite us to open up, to show ourselves vulnerable, to look into each other’s eyes with compassion and love and to free ourselves from our burdens, as well as to celebrate and vibrate in love.

Would you like to attend a women’s circle or offer it at a retreat, meeting or event? Contact me and let´s talk about it!


As a tantra facilitator my responsibility is to create a safe and loving space where each person feels free to be and express themselves without judgement.

The individual sessions are adapted to the needs of each person, always respecting their rhythms and the moment they are in. For this I create a personalised plan to live your transformation.

Do you feel disconnected from your essence or lost at this moment of your life?

Do you feel confused or distant from your feminine principle and your role as a woman?

Do you observe patterns or behaviours in your relationships that don’t flow?

Do you experience your menstrual cycle with difficulty and discomfort?

I am here to help you live love, freedom and your inner power on the path of awakening.

Do you feel that you would like to have an accompaniment? Contact me and let´s talk about it!

TANTRA Fuerteventura círculo de mujeres